Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The goals

This is a work in progress and will be edited often...


Create an enjoyable and accurate simulation for flying quadrotors and other similar aircraft both autonomously and manually.


  1. Accurate physics simulation
    1. Collision Detection
    2. Random winds and perturbations
    3. Forces and torques calculation
    4. Adjustable aircraft models, including motor, props, battery, and geometries
  2. Allow custom autopilot to be implemented and included
  3. Ability to interface with quadrotor via sockets to allow for hardware in loop simulation
  4. Rich immersive and customizable environments
    1. Different worlds, including indoor and outdoor
    2. Interactive objects
  5. Adjustable IMU model
    1. Adjustable Gyro and Accel models
    2. Gausian noise
    3. Temperature drift

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